IC-7300 ALC overshoot - IC7300 4m SSB ALC spikes
Since the original round of ALC and spike messages, I replaced my transverter setup for 4m with an IC-7300.
While it is OK elsewhere, and on CW, on 4m SSB it produces overshoot spikes of 50 Watts when set for 12… I does this regardless of compression and mic settings, although it is worse with compression than without. As I used an LDMOS linear with over drive protection, the use of the 7300 can be tedious at times.
Feeding around -2V into the ALC input socket “cures” the problem. I have made an outboard -ve Voltage generator board using an NE555 oscillator and diode rectifier to plug into the rear 13 pin DIN connector of my 7300. The unit is cheap and simple to make.